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Darwinbot Energy

Any action performed by a bot requires energy. The energy can be spent on moving around, reproduction, getting more energy and many other things. A bot can also store energy for future use.

Get Energy There are 3 ways of getting energy

1: Hunting using particle shoots. DNA command -1 .shoot results in a particle being shot in the direction the bot is facing. If the particle hits another bot, that bot will shoot back a particle containing a portion of its own energy.

2: Sucking energy through a tie. One bot can get close to another bot and tie to it. The agressor is then able to steal the energy from the target using DNA code like the following one:

  • .tiepres .tienum store

-20 .tieval store -1 .tieloc store

Here the .tieval tells how much the bot gets. The higher the negative number is, the more energy the aggressor bot gets.

3: Tricking target bot into sharing its energy with the agressor. This method is similar to #2, but here you use .sharenrg command. It is easier and does not cost any energy except to make the tie. Also, no waste is produced. However, you must wait for the tie to harden, giving your victim a chance to escape.

Store Energy For 2.36 and before: Bots can store energy as body points with the .strbody command. It converts 10 energy points into 1 body point. To retreive energy back from body, bots can use the .fdbody command. However there is a limit of 100 energy points per cycle that can be retrived from body points.

Future Energy Stuff

Lots of work is being done in the area of metabolism and digestion. Relatively soon you should see some major changes in this area. These changes will be backward compatible, though, so don't worry about your current bots not working. This stuff isn't in the program yet, but is gonna be added.