From WikiManual
- Movement (.up, .dn. .dx, .sx)
- up/1
- dn/2
- sx/3
- dx/4
- Basic Turning (.aimdx, .aimsx)
- aimdx/5
- aimsx/6
- Shooting
- shoot/7
- shootval/8
- backshot/900
- aimshoot/901
- robage/9
- mass/10
- maxvel/11
- aim/18
- setaim/19
- velscalar/196
- velsx/197
- veldx/198
- veldn/199
- velup/200
- vel/200
Gains and Losses
- Gains and Losses
- pain/203
- pleas/204
- bodgain/194
- bodloss/195
- Hit?
- hit/201
- hitup/205
- hitdn/206
- hitdx/207
- hitsx/208
- Shot?
- shflav/202
- shang/209
- shup/210
- shdn/211
- shdx/212
- shsx/213
- edge/214 - Reads back a value of 1 if the bot has hit the edge of the screen. Most commonly used to turn bot specified number of degrees inorder for it to face away from the edge.
- fixed/215 - A value of 0 means the robot can move freely. A value of 1 means it is fixed in place (like a blocked alga)
- fixpos/216 - Set this to any non-zero number to anchor your bot in place. Set it to zero to allow your bot to move freely.
- xpos/219 - Reads back a bot's horizontal position with the left side representing zero
- ypos/217 - Reads back a bot's vertical position with the top representing zero. ypos shares the same memloc as depth. These are completely interchangable.
- depth/217 - Reads back a bot's vertical position with the top representing zero. ypos shares the same memloc as depth. These are completely interchangable.
- daytime/218 - Why have a day / night cycle if the robots can't tell when they change. Reads back 1 for day and 0 for night.
- kills/220 - Returns the number of bots your bot has killed.
- Reproducing
- repro/300
- mrepro/301
- sexrepro/302
Energy and Body
- Body
- body/311
- fdbody/312
- strbody/313
- setboy/314 - Allows a bot to set it's buoyancy to a specified level
- rdboy/315 - Returns a bot's buoyancy level
- Virus
- mkvirus/335
- vtimer/337
- vshoot/338
- dnalen/336 - Returns the length of a bot's dna
- genes/339 - Returns the number of genes in a bot's dna
- delgene/340 - allows a bot to delete a gene from itself
- thisgene/341 - returns the current gene's number. Designed for *.thisgene .mkvirus store to create self perpetuating viruses.
- sun/400 - Reads back a value of 1 if the bot is facing the top of the screen
- Ties
- tie/330
- numties/466
- tienum/455
- readtie/471
- deltie/467
- multi/470
- fixang/468
- fixlen/469
- stifftie/331
- MB Sharing
- sharenrg/830
- sharewaste/831
- shareshell/832
- shareslime/833
- tieang1/480
- tieang2/481
- tieang3/482
- tieang4/483
- tielen1/484
- tielen2/485
- tielen3/486
- tielen4/487
- mkslime/820
- slime/821
- mkshell/822
- shell/823
- strvenom/824
- venom/825
- strpoison/826
- poison/827
- ploc/834
- vloc/835
- venval/836
- poisoned/838
- Eyes
- eye1/501
- eye2/502
- eye3/503
- eye4/504
- eye5/505
- eye6/506
- eye7/507
- eye8/508
- eye9/509
In and Out
- In and Out
- out1/800
- out2/801
- in1/810
- in2/811
Memloc and Memval
- Memloc and Memval
- memval/473
- memloc/474
- tmemval/475
- tmemloc/476
- RefVars
- refmulti/686
- refshell/687
- refbody/688
- refxpos/689
- refypos/690
- refvelscalar/695
- refvelsx/696
- refveldx/697
- refveldn/698
- refvel/699
- refvelup/699
- refnrg/709
- refage/710
- refaim/711
- refpoison/713
- refvenom/714
- refkills/715
- reffixed/477
- refup/701
- refdn/702
- refsx/703
- refdx/704
- refaimdx/705
- refaimsx/706
- refshoot/707
- refeye/708
- reftie/712
- MyVars
- myup/721
- mydn/722
- mysx/723
- mydx/724
- myaimdx/725
- myaimsx/726
- myshoot/727
- myeye/728
- myties/729
- mypoison/730
- myvenom/731
- TrefVars
- trefbody/437
- trefxpos/438
- trefypos/439
- trefvelmysx/440
- trefvelmydx/441
- trefvelmydn/442
- trefvelmyup/443
- trefvelscalar/444
- trefvelyoursx/445
- trefvelyourdx/446
- trefvelyourdn/447
- trefvelyourup/448
- trefshell/449
- tieang/450
- tielen/451
- tieloc/452
- tieval/453
- tiepres/454
- trefup/456
- trefdn/457
- trefsx/458
- trefdx/459
- trefaimdx/460
- trefaimsx/461
- trefshoot/462
- trefeye/463
- trefnrg/464
- trefage/465
- treffixed/478
- trefbody/472
- trefaim/479
- Waste
- waste/828
- pwaste/829