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During the birthing cycle, baby robots copy certain information from the memory of the parent. Copying is done through the [[Birth Tie]] . The copied locations are 971 through 990 and one location is copied each cycle for 20 cycles. Robots who cut their gestation periods short will miss out on the valuable opportunity to pass on vital information to their offspring.
A catch to using racial memory is that the memloc needs to be empty prior to the information being coppied. 971 would need to be 0 for the parent to transfer it's value.
One advanced use of racial memory is to keep track of the number of cycles that have passed in the sim up to 32000. This is done by intially increasing 971 by 1 on the first cycle then incrementing it by 1 for every cycle that it is not equal to zero.
'gene1 sets 971 to 1 on the first cycle then deletes gene1
971 inc
.delgene inc
'when 971 is passed into child counter will begin keeping track of cycle number
971 *971 dup div mult inc

Revision as of 18:49, 10 October 2005