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Revision as of 21:33, 25 December 2006 by Griz (talk | contribs) (F1 Mode)
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Code/Debugging/Fixes/Changes for Leagues

see also: DeBugging and Bug_Reports

this is a Work In Progress

Holy crap!!!
League code is all over the place!
Will just keep stashing it here as i find it.

General Declarations


Public Type datispecie
  Skin(13) As Integer
  path As String
  Name As String
  Stnrg As Integer
  Veg As Boolean
  Fixed As Boolean
  color As Long
  Colind As Integer
  Postp As Single
  Poslf As Single
  Posdn As Single
  Posrg As Single
  qty As Integer
  Comment As String
  Leaguefilecomment As String
  Mutables As mutationprobs
  CantSee As Boolean                ' Flag indicating eyes should be turned off for this 

  DisableDNA As Boolean             ' Flag indicating DNA should not execute for 

this species
  DisableMovementSysvars As Boolean ' Flag indicating movement sysvars 

should be disabled for this species
  CantReproduce As Boolean          ' Flag indicating whether reproduction has 

been disabled for this species.
End Type


'For League mode: (runs a series of F1 contests, 1 on 1)
Public LeagueMode As Boolean
Public Leaguename As String
Public Leaguererun As Boolean
Public LeagueEntrants(30) As datispecie 'all those already in the league
Public numLeagueEntrants As Integer
Public LeagueChallengers(31) As datispecie 'all those challenging (31 instead of 

30 for some loop functions)
Public Defender As Integer 'couple used to determine which bots are facing 

which in League mode
Public Attacker As Integer
Private eye11 As Integer 'for eye fudging.  Search 'fudge' to see what I mean

General Startsim


If LeagueMode Then
    SimOpts.TotRunCycle = -1
  End If

General StartSimul


  'Leaguemode handles restarts differently so only restart here if not in 

  If totnvegs = 0 And RestartMode And Not LeagueMode Then
  ' totnvegs = 1
  ' Contests = Contests + 1
    ReStarts = ReStarts + 1
  ' Form1.StartSimul
    StartAnotherRound = True
  End If
End Sub

General FindSpecies


  If TotSpecies = 1 Then
'    If Not LeagueMode Then
      ContestMode = False
      MDIForm1.F1Piccy.Visible = False
      Contest_Form.Visible = False
      t = MsgBox("You have only selected one species for combat. Formula 1 

mode disabled", vbOKOnly)
      Exit Sub
 '   End If
  End If


MDIForm1 (Code)

Private Sub Leagues_Click()
 optionsform.SSTab1.Tab = 4
  NetEvent.Timer1.Enabled = False
  optionsform.Show vbModal
End Sub



Private Sub RerunCheck_Click()
  Leaguererun = CBool(RerunCheck.value)
End Sub



Private Sub LeagueCheck_Click()
  If LeagueCheck.value = 1 Then
    If F1Check.value <> 1 Then
      F1Check.value = 1
    End If
    LeagueMode = True
    TmpOpts.League = True
    If Leaguetype(0).value = False Then
      Leaguetype(0).value = True
    End If
    TmpOpts.League = False
    LeagueMode = False
    'Leaguetype(0).value = False
  End If
End Sub

Private Sub LeagueAutoCheck()
  If LeagueCheck.value <> 1 Then
    LeagueCheck.value = 1
  End If
End Sub

Private Sub LeagueF1Option_Click()
  Leaguename.text = "F1"
End Sub

Private Sub LeagueF2Option_Click()
  Leaguename.text = "F2"
End Sub

Private Sub LeageSBOption_Click()
  Leaguename.text = "Shortbot"
End Sub

Private Sub LeagueMBOption_Click()
  Leaguename.text = "Multibot"
End Sub

Private Sub Leaguetype_Click(Index As Integer)
  'If Leaguetype(Index).value = False Then
  ''  Leaguetype(Index).value = True
  'End If
End Sub

Private Sub LightText_lostfocus()
  Dim a As Single
  a = val(LightText.text)
  If a < LightUpDn.Min Then a = LightUpDn.Min
  If a > LightUpDn.Max Then a = LightUpDn.Max
  LightUpDn.value = a
  TmpOpts.LightIntensity = a
End Sub



If LeagueMode = True Then LeagueForm.Visible = True ' EricL 3/20/2006 Have 

to bring up league form after Options dialog goes away
  'Form1.Active = True
    'this just tricks the program into thinking we have enough
  'species for F1 mode.
  'If TmpOpts.League = True And TmpOpts.SpeciesNum = 2 Then
  '  additem TmpOpts.Specie(1).Name
  '  TmpOpts.SpeciesNum = TmpOpts.SpeciesNum + 1
  'End If
  SimOpts = TmpOpts
  If SimOpts.League = True Then
    LeagueMode = True 'should be anyway, but sometimes when
                      'restarting a league it screws up
  '  SimOpts.F1 = True
  End If
  If Form1.Active Then Form1.SecTimer.Enabled = True
  StartAnotherRound = True ' Set true for first simulation.  Will get set true if 

running leagues or using auto-restart mode
  While StartAnotherRound
    StartAnotherRound = False
End Sub

F1 Override code as of 2.42.n

(not sure in what modual this is in. Griztalk)

Eric: I will add max cycles / Max rounds to my list of future work items.
These will be post 2.43 however.
If TmpOpts.F1 = True Then

'Zero out all Costs
For t = 1 To 70
TmpOpts.Costs(t) = 0
Next t

'Now set the ones that matter
TmpOpts.Costs(SHOTCOST) = 2
TmpOpts.Costs(COSTSTORE) = 0.04
TmpOpts.Costs(CONDCOST) = 0.004
TmpOpts.Costs(MOVECOST) = 0.05
TmpOpts.Costs(TIECOST) = 2
TmpOpts.Costs(SHOTCOST) = 2
TmpOpts.Costs(VENOMCOST) = 1
TmpOpts.Costs(POISONCOST) = 1
TmpOpts.Costs(SLIMECOST) = 1
TmpOpts.Costs(SHELLCOST) = 1
TmpOpts.DynamicCosts = False

TmpOpts.CorpseEnabled = False ' No Corpses
TmpOpts.DayNight = False ' Sun never sets
TmpOpts.FieldWidth = 9237
TmpOpts.FieldHeight = 6928
TmpOpts.FieldSize = 1
TmpOpts.MaxEnergy = 40 ' Veggy nrg per cycle
TmpOpts.MaxPopulation = 25 ' Veggy max population
TmpOpts.MinVegs = 10
TmpOpts.Pondmode = False
TmpOpts.PhysBrown = 0 ' Animal Motion
TmpOpts.Toroidal = True

TmpOpts.BadWastelevel = 10000 ' Pretty high Waste Threshold

For t = 0 To TmpOpts.SpeciesNum - 1
TmpOpts.Specie(t).Fixed = False 'Nobody is fixed
TmpOpts.Specie(t).Mutables.Mutations = False 'Nobody can mutate
TmpOpts.Specie(t).CantSee = False
TmpOpts.Specie(t).DisableDNA = False
TmpOpts.Specie(t).CantReproduce = False
TmpOpts.Specie(t).DisableMovementSysvars = False
Next t

TmpOpts.Specie(0).Veg = True 'Force the first entry to be a veggy
TmpOpts.Specie(0).qty = 10 ' Do this so that eye fudge works

TmpOpts.FixedBotRadii = False
TmpOpts.NoShotDecay = False
TmpOpts.DisableTies = False
TmpOpts.RepopAmount = 10
TmpOpts.RepopCooldown = 1
TmpOpts.MaxVelocity = 180
TmpOpts.VegFeedingMethod = 0 ' Straight nrg /cycle feeding method
TmpOpts.VegFeedingToBody = 0.5 ' 50/50 nrg/body veggy feeding ratio
TmpOpts.SunUp = False ' Turn off bringing the sun up due to a threshold
TmpOpts.SunDown = False ' Turn off setting the sun due to a threshold
TmpOpts.CoefficientElasticity = 0 ' Collisions are soft.
TmpOpts.Ygravity = 0

' Surface Friction - Metal Option
TmpOpts.Zgravity = 2
TmpOpts.CoefficientStatic = 0.6
TmpOpts.CoefficientKinetic = 0.4

'No Fluid Resistance
TmpOpts.Viscosity = 0#
TmpOpts.Density = 0#

'Shot Energy Physics
TmpOpts.EnergyProp = 1 ' 100% normal shot nrg
TmpOpts.EnergyExType = True ' Use Proportional shot nrg exchange method

End If

F1 Mode

well ... was hoping to find a way to make Max Rounds actually
be max rounds but i can't make any sense of this.
maybe somebody can point me to that?
or add more comments to the below so i can might
be able to get a grip on the flow here.
that would be appreciated. Griztalk 18:33, 25 Dec 2006 (MST)

F1Mode modual

Option Explicit

Public Type pop
  SpName As String
  Population As Integer
  Wins As Integer
  exist As Integer
End Type

'For F1 Contests:
Public PopArray(20) As pop
Public F1count As Single
Public ContestMode As Boolean
Public Contests As Integer
Public TotSpecies As Integer
Public Maxrounds As Integer
Public RestartMode As Boolean
Public ReStarts As Long
Public FirstCycle As Boolean
Public SampFreq As Integer
Public Over As Boolean
Public MaxRoundsToDraw As Integer
Public MaxCycles As Long

'For League mode: (runs a series of F1 contests, 1 on 1)
Public LeagueMode As Boolean
Public Leaguename As String
Public Leaguererun As Boolean
Public LeagueEntrants(30) As datispecie 'all those already in the league
Public numLeagueEntrants As Integer
Public LeagueChallengers(31) As datispecie 'all those challenging (31 instead of 30 for some loop functions)
Public Defender As Integer 'couple used to determine which bots are facing which in League mode
Public Attacker As Integer
Private eye11 As Integer 'for eye fudging.  Search 'fudge' to see what I mean

Public StartAnotherRound As Boolean

Public Sub ResetContest()
  Dim t As Integer
  Contests = 0
  Contest_Form.Winner.Caption = ""
  Contest_Form.Winner1.Caption = ""
  For t = 1 To 5
    PopArray(t).SpName = ""
    PopArray(t).Population = 0
    PopArray(t).Wins = 0
  Next t
End Sub

Public Sub FindSpecies()
'counts species of robots at beginning of simulation
  Dim SpeciePointer As Integer
  Dim t As Integer
  Dim nd As node
  Dim robcol(10) As Long
  Dim realname As String
  TotSpecies = 0
  If Contests = 0 Then ResetContest
  For t = 1 To 20
    PopArray(t).SpName = ""
    PopArray(t).Population = 0
    'If Contests = 0 Then PopArray(t).Wins = 0
  Next t
  Contest_Form.Contests.Caption = Str(Contests)
  For t = 1 To MaxRobs
    With rob(t)
      'If Not .Veg And Not .Corpse And Not .wall And .exist Then
      If Not .Veg And Not .Corpse And .exist Then
        For SpeciePointer = 1 To 20
          realname = Left(.FName, Len(.FName) - 4)
          If realname = PopArray(SpeciePointer).SpName Then
            PopArray(SpeciePointer).Population = PopArray(SpeciePointer).Population + 1
            Exit For
          End If
          If PopArray(SpeciePointer).SpName = "" Then
            TotSpecies = TotSpecies + 1
            PopArray(SpeciePointer).SpName = realname
            PopArray(SpeciePointer).Population = PopArray(SpeciePointer).Population + 1
            robcol(SpeciePointer) = .color
            Exit For
          End If
        Next SpeciePointer
      End If
    End With
  Next t
  If TotSpecies = 1 Then
'    If Not LeagueMode Then
      ContestMode = False
      MDIForm1.F1Piccy.Visible = False
      Contest_Form.Visible = False
      t = MsgBox("You have only selected one species for combat. Formula 1 mode disabled", vbOKOnly)
      Exit Sub
 '   End If
  End If
  If PopArray(1).SpName <> "" Then
    Contest_Form.Robname1.Caption = PopArray(1).SpName
    Contest_Form.wins1.Caption = Str(PopArray(1).Wins)
    Contest_Form.Pop1.Caption = Str(PopArray(1).Population)
    Contest_Form.Robname1.ForeColor = robcol(1)
    Contest_Form.Option1(1).Visible = True
    Contest_Form.Robname1.Caption = ""
    Contest_Form.wins1.Caption = ""
    Contest_Form.Pop1.Caption = ""
    Contest_Form.Option1(1).Visible = False
  End If
  If PopArray(2).SpName <> "" Then
    Contest_Form.Robname2.Caption = PopArray(2).SpName
    Contest_Form.Wins2.Caption = Str(PopArray(2).Wins)
    Contest_Form.Pop2.Caption = Str(PopArray(2).Population)
    Contest_Form.Robname2.ForeColor = robcol(2)
    Contest_Form.Option1(2).Visible = True
    Contest_Form.Robname2.Caption = ""
    Contest_Form.Wins2.Caption = ""
    Contest_Form.Pop2.Caption = ""
    Contest_Form.Option1(2).Visible = False
  End If
  If PopArray(3).SpName <> "" Then
    Contest_Form.Robname3.Caption = PopArray(3).SpName
    Contest_Form.Wins3.Caption = Str(PopArray(3).Wins)
    Contest_Form.Pop3.Caption = Str(PopArray(3).Population)
    Contest_Form.Robname3.ForeColor = robcol(3)
    Contest_Form.Option1(3).Visible = True
    Contest_Form.Robname3.Caption = ""
    Contest_Form.Wins3.Caption = ""
    Contest_Form.Pop3.Caption = ""
    Contest_Form.Option1(3).Visible = False
  End If
  If PopArray(4).SpName <> "" Then
    Contest_Form.Robname4.Caption = PopArray(4).SpName
    Contest_Form.Wins4.Caption = Str(PopArray(4).Wins)
    Contest_Form.Pop4.Caption = Str(PopArray(4).Population)
    Contest_Form.Robname4.ForeColor = robcol(4)
    Contest_Form.Option1(4).Visible = True
    Contest_Form.Robname4.Caption = ""
    Contest_Form.Wins4.Caption = ""
    Contest_Form.Pop4.Caption = ""
    Contest_Form.Option1(4).Visible = False
  End If
  If PopArray(5).SpName <> "" Then
    Contest_Form.Robname5.Caption = PopArray(5).SpName
    Contest_Form.Wins5.Caption = Str(PopArray(5).Wins)
    Contest_Form.Pop5.Caption = Str(PopArray(5).Population)
    Contest_Form.Robname5.ForeColor = robcol(5)
    Contest_Form.Option1(5).Visible = True
    Contest_Form.Robname5.Caption = ""
    Contest_Form.Wins5.Caption = ""
    Contest_Form.Pop5.Caption = ""
    Contest_Form.Option1(5).Visible = False
  End If
  If ContestMode Then
    Contest_Form.Visible = True
    'Contests = 0
  End If
End Sub
Public Sub Countpop()
'counts population of robots at regular intervals
'for auto-combat mode and for automatic reset of starting conditions
  Dim SpeciePointer As Integer
  Dim SpeciesLeft As Integer
  Dim t As Integer
  Dim p As Integer
  Dim nd As node
  Dim Winner As String
  Dim Wins As Single
  Dim realname As String
  For t = 1 To 20
    PopArray(t).Population = 0
    PopArray(t).exist = 0
  Next t
  For t = 1 To MaxRobs
    With rob(t)
      'If Not .Veg And Not .Corpse And Not .wall And .exist Then
      If Not .Veg And Not .Corpse And .exist Then
        For SpeciePointer = 1 To TotSpecies
          realname = Left(.FName, Len(.FName) - 4)
          If realname = PopArray(SpeciePointer).SpName Then
            PopArray(SpeciePointer).Population = PopArray(SpeciePointer).Population + 1
            PopArray(SpeciePointer).exist = 1
            Exit For
          End If
        Next SpeciePointer
      End If
    End With
  Next t
  If Contests < Maxrounds Then
    Contest_Form.Contests.Caption = Contests + 1
  End If
  Contest_Form.Maxrounds.Caption = Maxrounds
  SpeciesLeft = 0
  For p = 1 To TotSpecies
    SpeciesLeft = SpeciesLeft + PopArray(p).exist
  Next p
  If SpeciesLeft = 1 And Contests + 1 <= Maxrounds And Over = False Then
    For t = 1 To TotSpecies
      If PopArray(t).Population <> 0 Then
        PopArray(t).Wins = PopArray(t).Wins + 1
      End If
    Next t
  End If
  Contest_Form.Visible = True
  If PopArray(1).SpName <> "" Then
    Contest_Form.Robname1.Caption = PopArray(1).SpName
    Contest_Form.wins1.Caption = Str(PopArray(1).Wins)
    Contest_Form.Pop1.Caption = Str(PopArray(1).Population)
    Contest_Form.Robname1.Caption = ""
    Contest_Form.wins1.Caption = ""
    Contest_Form.Pop1.Caption = ""
  End If
  If PopArray(2).SpName <> "" Then
    Contest_Form.Robname2.Caption = PopArray(2).SpName
    Contest_Form.Wins2.Caption = Str(PopArray(2).Wins)
    Contest_Form.Pop2.Caption = Str(PopArray(2).Population)
    Contest_Form.Robname2.Caption = ""
    Contest_Form.Wins2.Caption = ""
    Contest_Form.Pop2.Caption = ""
  End If
  If PopArray(3).SpName <> "" Then
    Contest_Form.Robname3.Caption = PopArray(3).SpName
    Contest_Form.Wins3.Caption = Str(PopArray(3).Wins)
    Contest_Form.Pop3.Caption = Str(PopArray(3).Population)
    Contest_Form.Robname3.Caption = ""
    Contest_Form.Wins3.Caption = ""
    Contest_Form.Pop3.Caption = ""
  End If
  If PopArray(4).SpName <> "" Then
    Contest_Form.Robname4.Caption = PopArray(4).SpName
    Contest_Form.Wins4.Caption = Str(PopArray(4).Wins)
    Contest_Form.Pop4.Caption = Str(PopArray(4).Population)
    Contest_Form.Robname4.Caption = ""
    Contest_Form.Wins4.Caption = ""
    Contest_Form.Pop4.Caption = ""
  End If
  If PopArray(5).SpName <> "" Then
    Contest_Form.Robname5.Caption = PopArray(5).SpName
    Contest_Form.Wins5.Caption = Str(PopArray(5).Wins)
    Contest_Form.Pop5.Caption = Str(PopArray(5).Population)
    Contest_Form.Robname5.Caption = ""
    Contest_Form.Wins5.Caption = ""
    Contest_Form.Pop5.Caption = ""
  End If
  F1count = 0
  Wins = Sqr(Maxrounds) + (Maxrounds / 2)
  If SpeciesLeft = 1 And Contests + 1 <= Maxrounds Then
    If Contests + 1 = Maxrounds And Over = False Then 'contest is over now
      For t = 1 To TotSpecies
        If PopArray(t).Wins > Wins Then
          Winner = PopArray(t).SpName
          Over = True
          'set up next league round
          If LeagueMode Then
            If Winner + ".txt" = LeagueEntrants(Defender).Name Then
              'attacker lost, move to next challenger
              Attacker = -1
              Defender = 29
            ElseIf Attacker < 0 Then
              'attacker won.  He was in the challenge array, move him to the
              'league array and the bot he defeated to the challenge array
              'This defeated bot will have another chance to get back into the
              'league later.
              If Winner + ".txt" = LeagueChallengers(-Attacker - 1).Name Then
                Dim temp As datispecie
                temp = LeagueChallengers(-Attacker - 1)
                If LeagueEntrants(Defender).Name <> "EMPTY.TXT" And LeagueEntrants(Defender).Name <> "" Then
                  LeagueChallengers(-Attacker - 1) = LeagueEntrants(Defender)
                  LeagueEntrants(Defender) = temp
                End If
                Attacker = Defender
                Defender = Defender - 1
              End If
            ElseIf Attacker > 0 Then
              If Winner + ".txt" = LeagueEntrants(Attacker).Name Then
              'attacker won, he was in the league already, swap with defender
                Dim tempa As datispecie
                tempa = LeagueEntrants(Attacker)
                LeagueEntrants(Attacker) = LeagueEntrants(Defender)
                LeagueEntrants(Defender) = tempa
                Attacker = Defender
                Defender = Defender - 1
              End If
              MsgBox "Unknown Winner.  Poor programmer to blame.", vbOKOnly, "Get a Real Job"
            End If
            If Defender = -1 Then
              'that's it, we've hit the top.  Congrats, start the next round
              Attacker = -1
              Defender = 29
              If LeagueChallengers(0).Name = "" Then LeagueEnd
            End If
            Contests = 0
            ReStarts = 0
            Maxrounds = 5
            If Form1.Active = True Then SetupLeagueRound
              'update on screen list
            If LeagueForm.F1ChallengeOption.value = True Then
            End If
            If Form1.Active = True Then   'Form1.StartSimul
              StartAnotherRound = True
              StartAnotherRound = False
            End If
          End If
          Exit Sub
          Winner = "Statistical Draw. Extending contest."
        End If
      Next t
      Contest_Form.Winner.Caption = Winner
      If Winner <> "Statistical Draw. Extending contest." Then
        Contest_Form.Winner1.Caption = "Winner"
        Maxrounds = Maxrounds + 1
        If MaxRoundsToDraw <> 0 And Maxrounds >= 10 And Maxrounds > MaxRoundsToDraw Then
          Contest_Form.Winner1.Caption = "Win By Draw"
          Winner = "Maximum Rounds Reached."
          Over = True
          'Declare Defender to have won
          Attacker = -1
          Defender = 29
          Contests = 0
          ReStarts = 0
          Maxrounds = 5
          If Form1.Active = True Then SetupLeagueRound
          'update on screen list
          If LeagueForm.F1ChallengeOption.value = True Then
          End If
          If Form1.Active = True Then   'Form1.StartSimul
            StartAnotherRound = True
            StartAnotherRound = False
          End If
          Exit Sub
          Contest_Form.Winner1.Caption = "No Winner"
          Over = False
        End If
      End If
    End If
    If Contests + 1 <= Maxrounds And Over = False Then
      Contests = Contests + 1
      StartAnotherRound = True
      StartAnotherRound = False
    End If
  End If
End Sub

Public Sub SetupLeague_Options()
  If optionsform.Leaguename.text <> "" And LeagueMode Then
    Dim LeagueError As Integer
    F1Mode.Leaguename = optionsform.Leaguename.text
    LeagueError = Load_League_File(F1Mode.Leaguename)
    If LeagueError = -1 Then
      If MsgBox("League file does not exist.  Make a new one?", vbYesNo, "League Undetected") = vbNo Then
        Exit Sub
        'make a new league file and directory.
        'does this automatically when user hits save after
        'league runs.
      End If
    ElseIf LeagueError > 0 Then
      If MsgBox("A robot listed doesn't exist.  Delete from league table?", vbYesNo, "League Robot Not Found") = vbNo Then
        Exit Sub
        'delete robot leaguerror from league table
      End If
    End If
    LeagueForm.F1ChallengeOption.Caption = optionsform.Leaguename.text + " Challenge League"
    'LeagueForm.Visible = True ' EricL 3/20/2006 Moved this to StartNew_Click in the Options Form
  ElseIf optionsform.Leaguename.text = "" And LeagueMode Then
    MsgBox "No league name.  League must have a name.", vbOKOnly, "League Name Needed"
    Exit Sub
  ElseIf LeagueMode = False Then
    LeagueForm.Visible = False
  End If
  Attacker = -1
  Defender = 29
  If Leaguererun = True Then
      Dim Index As Integer
      Dim numLeagueEntrants As Integer
      numLeagueEntrants = 0
      For Index = 0 To 29
        If LeagueEntrants(Index).Name <> "" And LeagueEntrants(Index).Name <> "EMPTY" Then
          numLeagueEntrants = numLeagueEntrants + 1
        End If
      Next Index
      If numLeagueEntrants <= 1 Then
        MsgBox "Can't rerun league.  Not enough league entrants."
        Leaguererun = False
        optionsform.RerunCheck.value = 0
        For Index = 0 To 29
          LeagueChallengers(Index) = LeagueEntrants(Index)
          LeagueEntrants(Index).Name = ""
        Next Index
      End If
  End If
End Sub

Public Sub LeagueInputChallengers()
  Dim Index As Integer
  Dim offset As Integer
  Dim blank As datispecie
  For Index = 0 To SimOpts.SpeciesNum - 1
    If SimOpts.Specie(Index).Veg = True Then
      offset = offset + 1
      LeagueChallengers(Index - offset) = SimOpts.Specie(Index)
      If Index > 2 Then SimOpts.Specie(Index) = blank
      LeagueChallengers(Index - offset).Mutables.Mutations = False
    End If
    If Index - offset > 29 Then
      MsgBox "Not enough challenger slots to accomodate so many.  Only running the first 30 bots.", vbOKOnly, "Too Many Challengers"
      Exit Sub
    End If
  Next Index
End Sub

Public Sub SetupLeagueRound()
  Dim attackerfound As Boolean
  Dim defenderfound As Boolean
  Dim loopdone As Boolean
  SimOpts.SpeciesNum = 3
  'SimOpts.Specie(0) = veg spot
  While Not loopdone
    If Attacker < 0 And Not attackerfound Then
      SimOpts.Specie(1) = LeagueChallengers(-Attacker - 1)
    ElseIf Attacker > 0 And Not attackerfound Then
      SimOpts.Specie(1) = LeagueEntrants(Attacker)
    End If
    If Not defenderfound Then
      SimOpts.Specie(2) = LeagueEntrants(Defender)
      SimOpts.Specie(2).Posrg = SimOpts.Specie(1).Posrg
      SimOpts.Specie(2).Posdn = SimOpts.Specie(1).Posdn
    End If
    'check to see if attacker and defender are the same
    'if so, then prompt the user for action
    If SimOpts.Specie(1).Name = "" Then
      SimOpts.Specie(1).Name = "EMPTY.TXT"
      TmpOpts.Specie(1).Name = "EMPTY.TXT"
    End If
    If SimOpts.Specie(2).Name = "" Then
      SimOpts.Specie(2).Name = "EMPTY.TXT"
      TmpOpts.Specie(2).Name = "EMPTY.TXT"
    End If
    If Left(SimOpts.Specie(1).Name, Len(SimOpts.Specie(1).Name) - 4) = "EMPTY" Then
      attackerfound = False
      If Attacker < 0 Then
        Attacker = Attacker + 1
        If Attacker = 0 Then Attacker = 29
        Attacker = Attacker - 1
      End If
      attackerfound = True
    End If
    If Left(SimOpts.Specie(2).Name, Len(SimOpts.Specie(2).Name) - 4) = "EMPTY" Then
      defenderfound = False
      Defender = Defender - 1
      If Defender < 0 Then
        Defender = 0
        defenderfound = True
      End If
      defenderfound = True
    End If
    If attackerfound And defenderfound And SimOpts.Specie(2).Name = SimOpts.Specie(1).Name Then
      If MsgBox("Challenger and Defender are the same bot.  Continue with this Challenger?", vbYesNo, "Identical Bots") = vbYes Then
        'run these two bots against each other.
        'bot has lost, move on to next challenger
      End If
    End If
    If attackerfound And defenderfound Then loopdone = True

  'now check to see if we need to move challenger up slots
  'for an empty league
  If LeagueEntrants(0).Name = "" Or Left(LeagueEntrants(0).Name, 5) = "EMPTY" Then
    'empty league file
    LeagueEntrants(0) = LeagueChallengers(-Attacker - 1)
  ElseIf Defender <> 29 And Attacker < 0 Then
    LeagueEntrants(Defender + 1) = LeagueChallengers(-Attacker - 1)
    LeagueChallengers(-Attacker - 1).Name = ""
    Attacker = Defender + 1
    'empty league
  End If

 ' If SimOpts.Specie(1).color = vbBlue And SimOpts.Specie(2).color = vbBlue Then
    SimOpts.Specie(0).color = vbGreen
    TmpOpts.Specie(0).color = vbGreen
    SimOpts.Specie(1).color = vbRed
    TmpOpts.Specie(1).color = vbRed
    SimOpts.Specie(2).color = vbBlue
    TmpOpts.Specie(2).color = vbBlue
 ' End If
End Sub

Public Function League_Eyefudge(robotnumber As Integer, t As Long)
'tests to see if two bots have the same number of refeye statements.
'if so, it adds the following gene at teh end of the DNA
'This is definately a fudge, both in practice and implementation.
'A better system will be needed if anything is done to break this
'(such as a bot not using refeyes for conspec identification)
'or bots that are so close that this gives a virus bot an undue edge
'Later: add a prompt for action and a small timer.  If timer runs out then
'we use the default action below

  If eye11 = rob(robotnumber).occurr(8) Then
  'If SimOpts.TotRunCycle < 3 And eye11 = rob(robotnumber).occurr(8) Then
  ReDim Preserve rob(robotnumber).DNA(UBound(rob(robotnumber).DNA) + 6)
    rob(robotnumber).DNA(t).tipo = 4
    rob(robotnumber).DNA(t).value = 1
    t = t + 1
    rob(robotnumber).DNA(t).tipo = 1
    rob(robotnumber).DNA(t).value = 505
    t = t + 1
    rob(robotnumber).DNA(t).tipo = 2
    rob(robotnumber).DNA(t).value = 23
    t = t + 1
    rob(robotnumber).DNA(t).tipo = 3
    rob(robotnumber).DNA(t).value = 4
    t = t + 1
    rob(robotnumber).DNA(t).tipo = 4
    rob(robotnumber).DNA(t).value = 2
    t = t + 1
    rob(robotnumber).DNA(t).tipo = 4
    rob(robotnumber).DNA(t).value = 3
    t = t + 1
    rob(robotnumber).DNA(t).tipo = 10       ' EricL - Changed tipo from 4 to 10, March 15, 2006
    rob(robotnumber).DNA(t).value = 1       ' EricL - Changed value from 4 to 1, March 15, 2006
    rob(robotnumber).occurr(8) = rob(robotnumber).occurr(8) + 1
  End If
End Function

Public Sub Record_11eyes(eyes As Integer)
  eye11 = eyes
End Sub

Private Sub LeagueEnd()
  Dim i As Integer
  If LeagueChallengers(-Attacker).Name = "EMPTY" Or LeagueChallengers(-Attacker).Name = "" Then
    LeagueMode = False
    ContestMode = False
 '   SimOpts.F1 = False
    'pause simulation.
    Form1.Active = False
    Form1.SecTimer.Enabled = False
    If MsgBox("The league has finished running.  Simulation paused.  Save league file?", vbYesNo, "League Finished.") = vbYes Then
      'save results into file
      Save_League_File Leaguename
    End If
    Dim Index As Integer
    For Index = 0 To 29
      LeagueChallengers(Index) = LeagueChallengers(Index + 1)
    Next Index
    LeagueChallengers(29).Name = ""
  End If
  Attacker = -1
  Defender = 29
  'Puts things back the way they were before the league began so that the species list looks okay.
  TmpOpts = SimOpts

  'Let the sim play again so that it's not paused for the user
 ' Form1.Active = True
 ' Form1.SecTimer.Enabled = True
End Sub

Private Sub stuff()

'move up all challengers
    Dim Index As Integer
    For Index = 1 To 29
      LeagueChallengers(Index - 1) = LeagueChallengers(Index)
    Next Index
    Dim empty0 As datispecie
    LeagueChallengers(29) = empty0
End Sub