Free Variables
From WikiManual
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This is a list of System Variables that have no current function as of version 2.43.1g:
Memory locations between 50 and 175 are the traditionally used custom variables, and have been guaranteed not to be replaced with a sysvar in the future.
All other "free" System Variables memory address ranges (that may change to get a reserved purpose) are
- 13-17,
- 20-193, - the less likely to experience new sysvars, and so the "safest" place to put custom variables (start in the middle of this range and work outward)
- 222-299,
- 304-309,
- 316-329,
- 332-334,
- 342-399,
- 403-409,
- 430-436,
- 472,
- 488-500,
- 512-520,
- 540-684,
- 691-694,
- 700,
- 716-720,
- 732-799,
- 839-899,
- 902-919,
- 925-970,
- 971-976*, Epigenetic memory (5 addresses) that is instantly copied from a parent to all its children
- 976-990*, Epigenetic memory (15 addresses) that is copied trough the birth tie over time during 15 cycles, 976 first , 977 second...
- 991-1000