2 .dn is a movement Sysvar. Without these, there could be no movement, just bouncing, gliding, flowing and tie-pushing.
- .dn accelerates the robot backwards. It uses memory location 2 of the bot to store how much it accelerates in that direction.
10 .dn store
10 2 store
This puts 10 on the stack. Than it puts 2 on the stack. Than it stores 10 in memory location 2 of the bot (.dn) and removes 2 and 10 from the stack. The 10 in memory location 2 of the bot accelerates it +10 backwards if it has not reached the maximum acceleration in that direction.
cond start 10 .dn store stop
A robot with this gene would constantly accelerate backwards at a rate of 10 per turn. That is to say that his velocity in that direction would increase by a value of 10. If it should rotate then the direction in which the acceleration takes place would also change.
Technical Details:
Movement values get cut above 1000 and below -1000, then added up to a single vector including tie and other propulsion vectors, then the vector gets cut to a length of 40 as maximum aceleration.
More details at Movement.