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Basic concepts

Forces' linear affects

Any force acting on a body, at any point on a body, applies the same change in acceleration to the body's center of mass. Consider the diagram below:

|        |
|        |  
|   X    |  <--- \vec{Force_1}
|        |
|________|  <--- \vec{Force_2}

 Diagram 1 

Where X is the center of mass for the body. \vec{Force_1} is exactly centered, so it produces no torque. The change in acceleration of the body's center of mass is given by \Delta \vec{a} = \frac{\vec{Force_1}}{Mass}.

Let \vec{Force_2} have the same magnitude and direction as \vec{Force_1}. However it's applying its force at a different point on the body, and will produce torque. Even though it's off center, the change in acceleration for the body's center of mass is still \Delta \vec{a} = \frac{\vec{Force_1}}{Mass}.

Forces' angular affects

Consider Diagram 1 again. \vec{Force_1} will not produce any change in angular acceleration for the body, because it is centered. \vec{Force_2} will produce change in angular acceleration, because it is off center. In general, the torque (\tau) produced by a force is given by:

\tau = \vec{F} \cdot \vec{r_{\perp}^{P}}

And the change in angular acceleration is given by:

\Delta \alpha = \frac{\tau}{I}


  • \tau is the scalar torque term.
  • \vec{F} is the vector Force term.
  • \vec{r_{\perp}^{P}} is the vector perpendicular to the vector from the body's origin to the place \vec{F} is acting on the body.
  • \alpha is the scalar angular acceleration
  • I is the body's scalar moment of inertertia.

Simple collision

__________      __
|        |     /  |
|        | ___/   |
|   X    |P___  Y |
|        |    \   |
|________|     \__|
 Diagram 2 

Consider a collision between two bodies: body X and body Y. They collide at point P. We assume that the collision takes 0 time. That is, the bodies "instantly" resolve their collision.

The change in angular and linear velocity for body X is given by:

\Delta\vec{v} = \frac{j_0}{m_X}
\Delta\omega = j_0 * \frac{\vec{r_{\perp}^{XP}} \cdot \vec{n}}{I_X}


  • \Delta\vec{v} is the change in linear velocity.
  • \Delta\omega is the change in angular velocity.
  • j_0 is the scalar impulse term applied to the body at point P to correct its velocity from the collision.
  • m_X is the scalar mass for the body.
  • I_X is the scalar moment of inertia for the body.
  • n is a vector representing the "normal" to the colision. In the case of the vertex-on-edge collision in Diagram 2, n would probably be <1, 0>
  • \vec{r_{\perp}^{XP}} is the vector perpendicular to the vector from the center of mass of body X to the collision point P.

Body Y likewise, but the changes are opposite in sign (equal and opposite reaction).

We can define a relationship between the velocities before and after the collision using the coefficient of restitution. Which is basically a fractional scalar value between 0 (for inelastic collisions) and 1 (for perfectly elastic collisions).

v_{XPf} - v_{YPf} = -(1 + \epsilon) * (v_{XPi} - v_{YPi})


  • v_{XPf}, v_{YPf} are the final velocities of bodies X and Y at point P.
  • \epsilon is the coefficient of restitution for the equation
  • v_{XPi}, v_{YPi} are the initial velocities of bodies X and Y at point P.

To find the velocity of a body at a given point, use the formula:

v_P = v + \omega * r^P_\perp


  • v_P is the velocity at a certain point on the body.
  • \omega is the body's angular velocity.
  • r^P_\perp is the vector perpindicular to the vector from the body's center of mass to point P.

Using all of the equations above, we can find j_0 by the following algorithm:

suppose we are supplied with:
  a contact point P
  a collision normal n
  two bodies in collision, bodyX and bodyY
  a coefficient of restitution e

Vector VelocityAtPoint(Body body, Vector point)
  return body.Velocity + body.AngularVelocity * (point - body.Position);

Scalar ResistanceFromBody(Body body, Vector point, Vector n)
  Vector rPerp = (point - body.Position).Perp();
  Scalar a = n.DotSquared(n) * body.InverseMass; // The resistance to linear acceleration
  Scalar q = rPerp.DotProduct(n) * body.InverseMomentOfInertia; // The resistance to angular acceleration
  q *= q;
  return a + q;

Scalar vXP = VelocityAtPoint(bodyX, P).DotProduct(n);
Scalar vYP = VelocityAtPoint(bodyY, P).DotProduct(n);

Scalar b = -(1 + e) * (vXP - vYP);

Vector rXPNorm = (point - bodyX.Position).Perp();
Vector rYPNorm = (point - bodyY.Position).Perp();

Scalar resistanceX = ResistanceFromBody(bodyX, P, n);
Scalar resistanceY = ResistanceFromBody(bodyY, P, n);

Scalar j0 = b / (resistanceX + resistanceY);

return j0;