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Defenses are ways of protecting against other bot's attacks. Poison, shell, and slime all defend against specific attacks.


Poison defends against -1 shots and info shots. If one of these shots hits you, then you will fire back poison at your attacker. See how much poison you have by referencing .poison

Store amount of poison you want to make (up to 100) using .strpoison

Set affected memory location (eg .up, .shoot) into .ploc. This value will be set to the value in .pval for a period of time, depending on the amount of poison stored. Poison slowly breaks down over time so a periodic .mkpoison command is useful.


Shell defends against -6 (body) shots and venom. It will wear away slowly as it is hit. The disadvantage of shell is that it makes you heavy and slow.

See how much shell you have by referencing .shell

Make shell by storing the amount of shell you want to make (up to 100) into .mkshell


Slime protects against ties and viruses. It is not eroded as ties and viruses hit it, but instead slowly dissolves over time, like poison.

See how much slime you have by referencing .slime

Make slime by storing the amount of slime you want to make (up to 100) into .mkslime


Attacks _Counter Attacks_ Defenses